How do I track attendance?

Efficiently tracking attendance is a crucial task for any swim school. Our Front Desk tool simplifies the process by allowing you to quickly mark students as attended or absent with just a few clicks keeping accurate records of student attendance.


Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Accessing Front Desk:

  • Navigate to the Calendar menu, which typically contains various scheduling and attendance-related features.
  • Under the Calendar menu, locate and click on the "FrontDesk" button to access the attendance tracking tool.

2. Tracking Attendance Once you're in the Front Desk section:

You'll find a list of students or swimmers scheduled for classes on that particular day. Follow these steps to track attendance for each student:

View Scheduled Classes: On the Front Desk page, you'll see a list of scheduled classes or sessions for the day. Click on the class for which you want to track attendance.

Identify Students: In the selected class, you will see a list of enrolled students or swimmers. Each student's name is typically displayed along with icons for tracking attendance.

Attendance Icons: For each student, there are two primary icons:

Attended (Checkmark Icon): This icon represents that the student attended the class. Click on this icon for students who are present.

Absent (Eye Icon): The eye icon is used to mark students as absent, indicating that they did not attend the class. Click on this icon for students who are not present.

Marking Attendance: To track attendance, simply click on the appropriate icon next to each student's name. If a student attended the class, click the checkmark icon; if they are absent, click the eye icon.

Automatic Attendance Save: One of the advantages of the Front Desk tool is that it immediately saves the attendance record for each student as you click the attendance icons. There is no need for manual data entry or additional steps to save the changes.

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